Wow! I've actually done it! I've managed to create a blog for my cakes in 3 easy steps, who'd have known it'd be this simple?
Although, I suppose now it's going to get tricky whilst I work out a) what to babble on about and b) how to get some pictures of my cakes on here for you to see.
I'm not entirely sure how successful this is going to be as I was never one for keeping a journal or anything like that, mostly for fear of someone finding it and reading it and now here I am about to expose myself, well not literally and believe me that's something to be thankful for, but almost as I'm not the most objective about my own cakes, to the world at large or maybe just one or two of my good friends who will remember to check from time to time.
Alrighty, enough about what's hopefully to come for now. Let me tell you a tiny bit about me. I'm married with 2 beautiful daughters who are still in elementary school. I currently live to the north of Atlanta with said family although I'm originally from Scotland, complete with accent and UK passport - not like some of my new friends who are 6th generation American but who still claim to be Scottish - y'all know who you are :-)
Good luck, Ker! So far so good on keeping up with the blog. In the words of Hannah, "Wow! She's good!" Ditto, kid!